How To Watch 3D Movies In VLC ?

Here i would like to tell you a simple
trick to watch 3-D blue ray Half SBS
films in ur pc using VLC
Media Player.

Step 1-Open VLC Media Player
Step 2-Click Tools
Step 3-Select Effects and Filters
Step 4-Choose Video Effects
Step 5-Then Vout/Overlay
Step 6-Now u can see a box for
Step 7-Click on that box and arrange
rows-3 and columns-2
Step 8-Now vlc will appear in a
multiple window
Step 9-Choose any one of that
window & watch it in full screen
and get the 3-D effect

How to Increase the Internet Speed ?

Open Notepad and paste the below
code in it.
“TcpWindowSize”=dword:0005 ae4c
“Tcp1323Opts”=dword:000000 03
“DefaultTTL”=dword:0000004 0
“GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize”=dword :0005ae4c
Now save this file as speed.reg.
Execute it and observe the change!

Download any torrent file with FULL SPEED!

We all love torrents, don't we ?
But the speed is kinda of a trun off Today i will help u get the best of torrent.
Just follow easy steps:

1. First of all , you have to download the torrent file(.torrent) which you want to download.
2. Then just go to the website and upload the torrent file that you have just downloaded and click on the cache! button.
3. This will give you a new torrent file. You just have to copy the link of the new torrent file from the opened window.
4. Then go to the website and create an account there(in case you don’t have) and login to your account. Then paste the address of the new torrent obtained in step 3 and click on Get button.
5. Now you will get the list of available files present in that torrent file. Then click on the initiate bittorrent transmission button. This will give the full option to download the file. Just click on any link and you can see the download manager-IDM popping out for downloading the file.
I've always wanted to learn how to change drive letter and the path on my computer for a long time. I had to search a lot of sites to know the simplest method.
Finally i got a very simple method .
here it is :

Steps to add/change the drive letter

  • Start up your computer
  • Go to control panel
  • Go to computer management
  • Select Disk management under storage

     [ Your computer will show all the hard drive partitions and external hard drives. If it encounters problems assigning a                    letter, you can manually give one by right clicking on the partition and then selecting "Drive letter and path" ] 
  • The computer will give options to Add, Change or Remove a drive letter. That's all!
  • Boost yuotube speed


    1. Go to Start -> Run ->

    2. Type system.ini

    3. Hit Enter


    For 16-bit app support :






    Secure your wi-fi network

    1. Install a Firewall A firewall helps protect your PC by preventing
    unauthorized users from gaining access to your computer through the
    Internet or a network. It acts as a barrier that checks any information
    coming from the Internet or a network, and then either blocks the
    information or allows it to pass through to your computer.

    2. Change the Administrative Password on your Wireless Routers Each
    manufacturer ships their wireless routers with a default password for easy
    initial access. These passwords are easy to find on vendor support sites, and
    should therefore be changed immediately.

    3. Change the Default SSID Name and Turn Off SSID Broadcasting This will
    require your wireless client computers to manually enter the name of your
    SSID (Service Set Identifier) before they can connect to your network,
    greatly minimizing the damage from the casual user whose laptop is
    configured to connect to any available SSID broadcast it finds. You should
    also change the SSID name from the factory default, since these are just as
    well-known as the default passwords

    4. Disable DHCP For a SOHO network with only a few computers, consider
    disabling DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) on your router and
    assigning IP addresses to your client computers manually. On newer wireless
    routers, you can even restrict access to the router to specific MAC

    5. Replace WEP with WPA WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a security
    protocol that was designed to provide a wireless computer network with a
    level of security and privacy comparable to what is usually expected of a
    wired computer network. WEP is a very weak form of security that uses
    common 60 or 108 bit key shared among all of the devices on the network
    to encrypt the wireless data. Hackers can access tools freely available on the
    Internet that can crack a WEP key in as little as 15 minutes. Once the WEP
    key is cracked, the network traffic instantly turns into clear text – making it
    easy for the hacker to treat the network like any open network. WPA (Wi-Fi
    Protected Access) is a powerful, standards-based, interoperable security
    technology for wireless computer networks. It provides strong data
    protection by using 128-bit encryption keys and dynamic session keys to
    ensure a wireless computer network's privacy and security. Many
    cryptographers are confident that WPA addresses all the known attacks on
    WEP. It also adds strong user authentication, which was absent in WEP.

    Learn hacking online

    Today I Will Give You Some Website From Which You Can Learn Hacking Online :D !!

    1. Hackforums -- Hacking and Market place

    The no. 1 hackers communities with 225,405 memeber with 1,514,999 threads. where you can even learn computing, coding, Gaming, Graphics, in Market place you can buy code or can sell your own code of apps, games, tools, software anything. i recommend you this website to learn hacking and also you'll able to find many real hackers there from all over the world.

    2. EvilZone -- Hacking and Warez 

    It is the second largest Hacking communities and warez fourm with 6,500 members with active 100,000 post ( old statistics ), likely this forums is very active and help you in any coding help, but be care full with "noob" they can't handle and misguide you so always check reputation, position of members.

    3. Hack-a-Day

    this website has no competition in amazing information for anyone who is looking for specific categories like gadget, cellphone, GPS devices, digital cameras, you'll find all categories in right column. Unlike then other websites hack-a-day is more likely based on hardware. it's dedicated to new, amazing innovation in physical hacking with gadget old hardware in your warehouses.

    4. Hack in the Box

    If any website which help you to learn How to hack, this would be hack in the box, hack in the box is more about security and ethical hacking, it provide classes and conference , you can subscribe HITB magazine or HITB news from there main website, HITB has 14669 members with  active 13879 topic and more interesting to learn how to hack 

    5 - Hack this site 

    Hack this site is coolest website ever for free programmer training site where you can learn how to hack by accepting the different challenges, unlike then other website, hack this site provide you different level of hacking challenges where you can check your level, it is a kind of honeypot type of website.
    Hacking level are like mission design by this site designer, you need to carefully read & studies all the articles on this site and you have to find out the vulnerabilities of a site and attempts to use your new founded hacking skills to hack web page. missions include basic Realistic, application, programming. I'm sure you'll be earn tittle of professional hackers if you're able to figure out how to properly hack the most difficult missions on this site.