We hope Most of you had heard about the conference done by the Google I/O developers couple a days ago. From the clues and rumors its clear that they are going to introduce their new OS Key Lime Pie. Not only the introduce of new OS Key Lime Pie, but also going to upgrade their latest OS jellybean to 4.3.

All of us are expecting team Google to introduce their brand new OS release on coming months, along with that lot of rumors are also spreading. It's also heard that they had tested their new Key Lime Pie OS on a Sony Smart Phone.

 Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie

What was the expected release date of Key Lime Pie? All know that Google had started baking of Key Lime Pie. In my opinion it will release before October. Whenever be the release of new android OS all are looking after the features which they might introduce. Today in this article we are discussing some of the expected features Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie.

Rumors Regarding the features of Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie

1. Better Profile Management

Think that you are going to sleep. You need to make your device silent, Of all data networks, Activate Flight mode, Turn off Bluetooth and GPS etc. It's really a bit of fuss. So the upcoming OS Key Lime Pie should have something to manage these profile performance in a simple way. 

2. Better Battery Management

Low battery capacity is the main problem facing by all Smart Phone devices. Running Smart Phone devices in low battery is somewhat like carrying an old black and white mobile phone. No Use at all. As the OS getting developed, surely there will more functions to keep battery at good level. Low battery consumption at gaming and date network also expected.

3. Better Social Network Support

All know that android is little behind in case social network supporting while compared to Windows and Apple. As a successful user i can argue that Android's Social Network Supports are only in papers, Not in performance. For Facebook there are cool apps, but a sucking app most time. Then what about Twitter? Google Plus??? Google really need to cook something what expected by their users.

4. "Never Update" option for all apps

Do you think Google will try an option "Never Update" for their apps? It can't expect as it disturbs their app developers. It will be a good option if they put a "Never Update" option for installed apps, which can prevent from accidental updations.

5. Unified Messaging

Simply this could be like Facebook home which gives priority for User choice. For better understanding it means wrapping up of all Google services like Google Talk, SMS, Gmail Voice, Google Plus Messenger into a single function. Along with their new OS unified messaging function will give user a better experience.

Android is going for a repair on 2013 and Key Lime Pie is the better opportunity. It's going to get more smoother, smarter and user-friendly. Unify messaging option surely catch huge amounts of audience from blackberry and apple