Photo: How to Remove Autorun Virus from Hard Disk Drives.   1. Open command prompt. Go to Windows, then Run, and type "cmd" . Press enter.   2. Type "cd\" and press enter to get to the root directory of c:\ .   3. Type "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf" and press enter.   4. Type "del autorun.inf" and press enter.   5. Repeat the same process with other drives and restart your computer.   6. Restart your computer and it's done. Enjoy the freedom to open hard drives on a double click.   [edit] Tips  · Sometimes "cmd prompt" returns an error "file not found autorun.inf, sometimes some of your hard drives might not be containing the autorun.inf file, so leave those drives and try the next ones.   [edit] Warnings  · After deleting the file from all of your hard drives, immediately restart your computer. Don't try to open your drives by double clicking before restarting the machine otherwise you'll have to repeat whole of the procedure again.

1. Open command prompt. Go to Windows, then Run, and type "cmd" . Press enter. 

2. Type "cd\" and press enter to get to the root directory of c:\ . 

3. Type "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf" and press enter.

4. Type "del autorun.inf" and press enter.

5. Repeat the same process with other drives and restart your computer.

6. Restart your computer and it's done. Enjoy the freedom to open hard drives on a double click.

[edit] Tips

· Sometimes "cmd prompt" returns an error "file not found autorun.inf, sometimes some of your hard drives might not be containing the autorun.inf file, so leave those drives and try the next ones.

[edit] Warnings

· After deleting the file from all of your hard drives, immediately restart your computer. Don't try to open your drives by double clicking before restarting the machine otherwise you'll have to repeat whole of the procedure again.