We hope Most of you had heard about the conference done by the Google I/O developers couple a days ago. From the clues and rumors its clear that they are going to introduce their new OS Key Lime Pie. Not only the introduce of new OS Key Lime Pie, but also going to upgrade their latest OS jellybean to 4.3.

All of us are expecting team Google to introduce their brand new OS release on coming months, along with that lot of rumors are also spreading. It's also heard that they had tested their new Key Lime Pie OS on a Sony Smart Phone.

 Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie

What was the expected release date of Key Lime Pie? All know that Google had started baking of Key Lime Pie. In my opinion it will release before October. Whenever be the release of new android OS all are looking after the features which they might introduce. Today in this article we are discussing some of the expected features Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie.

Rumors Regarding the features of Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie

1. Better Profile Management

Think that you are going to sleep. You need to make your device silent, Of all data networks, Activate Flight mode, Turn off Bluetooth and GPS etc. It's really a bit of fuss. So the upcoming OS Key Lime Pie should have something to manage these profile performance in a simple way. 

2. Better Battery Management

Low battery capacity is the main problem facing by all Smart Phone devices. Running Smart Phone devices in low battery is somewhat like carrying an old black and white mobile phone. No Use at all. As the OS getting developed, surely there will more functions to keep battery at good level. Low battery consumption at gaming and date network also expected.

3. Better Social Network Support

All know that android is little behind in case social network supporting while compared to Windows and Apple. As a successful user i can argue that Android's Social Network Supports are only in papers, Not in performance. For Facebook there are cool apps, but a sucking app most time. Then what about Twitter? Google Plus??? Google really need to cook something what expected by their users.

4. "Never Update" option for all apps

Do you think Google will try an option "Never Update" for their apps? It can't expect as it disturbs their app developers. It will be a good option if they put a "Never Update" option for installed apps, which can prevent from accidental updations.

5. Unified Messaging

Simply this could be like Facebook home which gives priority for User choice. For better understanding it means wrapping up of all Google services like Google Talk, SMS, Gmail Voice, Google Plus Messenger into a single function. Along with their new OS unified messaging function will give user a better experience.

Android is going for a repair on 2013 and Key Lime Pie is the better opportunity. It's going to get more smoother, smarter and user-friendly. Unify messaging option surely catch huge amounts of audience from blackberry and apple
• Install a good antivirus. Free or Paid is good, but dont used cracked or pirated versions.

• Install real-time anti-spyware protection

• Update your Anti-virus programs daily.

• Perform scans on your computer daily.

• Disable autorun to prevent infection from pendrives.

• Disable image previews if usiing Outlook

• Use good anti-virus which has browser plugins and scans all URL's for malacious content.

• Use Hardware based Firewall.

• Dont click on any mail links or attachments from unknown sources or malacious users.

• Never download softwares from third-party sites. Download from original website. Dont use cracks or keygens which may be a virus/trojan itself.

10 Safety Tips to Protect Your Email Account

1. Change your password/s regularly. Hackers are clever and use sophisticated programs to figure out your password. Given enough time, they’ll probably get yours.

2. Don’t reuse your passwords. Each time you change your password make the new password unique. This goes for all your accounts and passwords. And, no two accounts should have the same password. Creating unique passwords can become a chore, so if you need, there are free password generating tools available. You can try one that PC Tools offers: http://www.pctools.com/guides/password/  

3. Make sure you have security questions in place and make sure the answers aren’t obvious. If your question is “Who’s faster than a speeding bullet?” Chances are at least one hacker will guess Superman. Or if your question is “Who is Bugs Bunny’s nemesis?” Someone is bound to guess Elmer Fudd or Yosemite Sam.

4. Make your password at least 10 characters and mix them up – use capital and lower case letters with numbers and symbols. It’s also a good idea to avoid sequences, such as 12345, abcde, 222555222. Make it difficult to hack.

5. Always sign out of your email account when you’re done. Yahoo and Gmail, and most likely all other email providers, allow you to stay logged into your account even after you’re done and left the site. While this is convenient in that you don’t have to log in the next time you want to check your email, it’s not a safe thing to do, so log out when you’re done.

6. See if your email service provider offers a login activity feature. Yahoo and Gmail do. This tool provides recent login activity which allows you to see who has logged into your account. If it’s not you or someone who has login privileges then you need to take immediate action. You need to create a new password.

7. Take care with your mobile device also. It’s a good idea to use a password on your device and it’s also a good idea to lock it. 

8. Bulletproof your computer with antivirus software. Okay, this may not make it bullet proof, but it will sure help.

9. Don’t open suspicious emails, especially ones that request personal information or ask you to change a password. 

10. Keep your passwords safe. 

While these ten tips will help you keep your email account safe, you should use them (the ones applicable) on all your accounts, including your websites. The more difficult you make it for hackers the safer you’ll be.

Top 10 Computer Security Tips

Your computer holds some of your most important and private information, so we’ve written down the 10 top safety computer tips that help you keep your computer and your information safe. Some tips are very common but are often over looked.Here I specify the very basic of securities required for a computer without which leaves the computer vulnerable to malware attacks and also hackers.

1.Use “anti-virus software” and keep it up to date.

2.Don’t open e-mails or attachments from unknown sources. Be suspicious of any unexpected e-mail attachments even if it appears to be from someone you know.

3.Protect your computer from Internet intruders – use “firewalls.”

4.Regularly download security updates and “patches” for operating systems and other software.

5.Use hard-to-guess passwords. Mix upper case, lower case, numbers, or other characters not easy to find in a dictionary, and make sure they are at least eight characters long.

6.Back-up your computer data on disks or CDs regularly.

7.Don’t share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks.

8.Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.

9.Check your security on a regular basis. When you change your clocks for daylight-savings time, reevaluate your computer security.

10.Make sure your family members and/or your employees know what to do if your computer becomes infected.
Photo: Do you know the speed of your internet connection?  Nowadays internet is our part of life, Every homes has internet connection. do you agree these lines? We are using internet for many reasons such as download movies, videos, software and much more..  So, here is some websites to check your Internet speed.  01. SpeakEasy   This also a one of famous tool, but you need to choose a perticular server to check internet speed.  02. BandWidthPlace   This site is similer to Speedtest, but litle less functionality when compare to Speedtest.  03. SpeedTest  This is one of the most popular tools which used by many people around the world.  04. Bandwidth speed testing  You can test downloading and uploading speed.   05. www.scanmyspeed.com

In my personal views this website is the best method to find out the speed of ur ISP.
Photo: How to Remove Autorun Virus from Hard Disk Drives.   1. Open command prompt. Go to Windows, then Run, and type "cmd" . Press enter.   2. Type "cd\" and press enter to get to the root directory of c:\ .   3. Type "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf" and press enter.   4. Type "del autorun.inf" and press enter.   5. Repeat the same process with other drives and restart your computer.   6. Restart your computer and it's done. Enjoy the freedom to open hard drives on a double click.   [edit] Tips  · Sometimes "cmd prompt" returns an error "file not found autorun.inf, sometimes some of your hard drives might not be containing the autorun.inf file, so leave those drives and try the next ones.   [edit] Warnings  · After deleting the file from all of your hard drives, immediately restart your computer. Don't try to open your drives by double clicking before restarting the machine otherwise you'll have to repeat whole of the procedure again.

1. Open command prompt. Go to Windows, then Run, and type "cmd" . Press enter. 

2. Type "cd\" and press enter to get to the root directory of c:\ . 

3. Type "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf" and press enter.

4. Type "del autorun.inf" and press enter.

5. Repeat the same process with other drives and restart your computer.

6. Restart your computer and it's done. Enjoy the freedom to open hard drives on a double click.

[edit] Tips

· Sometimes "cmd prompt" returns an error "file not found autorun.inf, sometimes some of your hard drives might not be containing the autorun.inf file, so leave those drives and try the next ones.

[edit] Warnings

· After deleting the file from all of your hard drives, immediately restart your computer. Don't try to open your drives by double clicking before restarting the machine otherwise you'll have to repeat whole of the procedure again.

Improve Windows-XP Shutdown Speed

This tweak reduces the time Windows-XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.

Follow the steps as given below-

1) Go to Start then select Run 

2) Type 'Regedit' and click ok 

3) Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\' 

4) Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout' 

5) Right click and select 'Modify' 

6) Change the value to '1000' 

7) Click 'OK' 

8) Now select 'HungAppTimeout' 

9) Right click and select 'Modify' 

10) Change the value to '1000' 

11) Click 'OK' 